Carmen Pitts has been directly involved with Dobermans for 20 years, as well as, having trained Doberman (Chelsea) Ch Beaulane All That Jazz CD, ROM, German Shepherd (August) UDTX, CGC, TDI, and Pembroke Welsh Corgi 'Ch Fergwyn French Silk'(Fergie) CDX, TD, FDX CGC, TDI. Fergie was given to us by Erma Kovac of Highflyer Corgis after Fergie's Specials career with Shirley Hitter. This was with the intent of attaining Fergie's performance titles, and boy did she ever!
However, Carmen's main interest and activities have been a loving involvement with her Dobermans. Under the tutelage of Jackie Beaumont, Carmen learned the intricacies of breeding quality Dobermans, and how to handle dogs in the show ring. The foundation of Allure™ Dobermans is from Jackie's Beaulane line of Dobermans.